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5 reasons your trade show leads are low quality (+ how to fix it) business strategy marketing planning marketing strategy May 01, 2024

"After a trade show, our team comes back with tons of irrelevant leads that go nowhere." <-- I hear this a lot, especially B2B service providers.

Having planned nearly 100 trade shows in my time, here are my top tips to fix this problem once and for all.

  1.  Your company message is too...

Marketing planning tips to start off 2024 strong! marketing marketing planning marketing strategy Jan 16, 2024

The new year is in full force. Are you prepared, or feeling overwhelmed about how you’ll reach your goals?

Annual planning can fall by the wayside during busy season, leading us to scramble in the weeks leading up to January.

Speaking with my marketing clients and network, their...

Come with your science. Leave with your next 12 months of marketing planned & ready to execute business essentials marketing marketing planning marketing strategy Nov 13, 2023

Whenever I have an intro call with someone, or listen to a new client’s challenges, a theme inevitably emerges.

They all have similar business types.

They all have similar business goals.

They all face similar challenges (so much so that Iwrote an entire book on it.)

And while the...

Want to create your 2024 lead generation plan together? business essentials business strategy marketing marketing planning marketing strategy Oct 26, 2023

In my most recent post, I shared a brand new guide, “How to Gain 100 Leads in 30 Days.” (Pick it up free if you haven’t yet!). It was so well received by my community that we’re turning it into a workshop!

It’s calledYour Next 100 Leads Workshop...

How to gain 100 high-quality leads in 30 days (without paid ads) Oct 13, 2023

I'll start today's post with a quick story...

Michael (let's call him) owned a successful laboratory, 10 years in business and multi-millions in annual revenue. Except, he'd noticed leads were gradually drying up.

He typically gained new business from referrals and word-of-mouth at...

My Favourite Office Essentials for Business Owners & Work-From-Homers business essentials Sep 05, 2023

Although I haven’t been a student for years (and work from home 90% of the time), the back-to-school season still feels like a fresh start.

As a business owner, I use this time to brainstorm new ideas and plan my company’s future. It’s also in September that I like to rejig my...

Why hire a fractional marketing director? My hot take (with $, because I know you're curious) marketing marketing planning marketing strategy Aug 25, 2023

Speaking with so many companies, you start to hear the same things over and over. For me, as a marketing consultant, the one thing they all have in common is a version of this:

"We're ready to shamelessly promote ourselves and get to the next level, but we don't know what to do, how to manage all...

Launching a Business Book: Behind the Scenes of My Book Launch Party book branding Jul 17, 2023

Last week, I was delighted to host a small event to celebrate my recent book launch for Scientist to CEO. It was a gathering of friends and family and colleagues as a thank-you to everyone who has supported me during the book writing and publication process.

This post is a behind-the-scenes look...

I repeated my daily LinkedIn posting challenge (and ended up going viral!) Here's what happened. linkedin personal branding social media thought leadership Jun 29, 2023

Note: this post contains affiliate links. This comes at no cost to you, but I may earn a small commission.

School's out for the summer AND my 44-day LinkedIn posting challenge is complete If you've been following along, this was the second time I posted daily as an experiment to boost visibility...

Get Your Copy of Scientist to CEO Today! book business strategy marketing Jun 12, 2023

I have some incredibly exciting news to share with you.

After 3 years of hard work, I'm thrilled to share that my book, Scientist to CEO: The Marketing Handbook for STEM Professionals, has officially been published!

If you're a scientist in business, yet find typical marketing advice too...

3 ways LinkedIn accelerated my business growth (and generated >$80K) linkedin social media thought leadership May 20, 2023

As a content person, I love when other professionals share real results they’ve achieved—and how they did it—with specific examples. 

So I thought I’d share a few ways I’ve used LinkedIn to grow my consulting business and build thought leadership. Read on to...

Is your LinkedIn company page boring or repetitive? Get the exact system I use linkedin social media May 04, 2023

I keep a running list of FAQs I hear from companies, and one of the top questions is: "What should I post about on my LinkedIn company page (so that it's not boring/repetitive)?"

LinkedIn is probably the most powerful tool for raising awareness of your company and getting quality business...

3 (realistic) ways to use AI to save time as a business owner ai content marketing copywriting writing Apr 14, 2023

If you've been hearing a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) lately, that's because we're in the midst of a sea change.

New tools are coming on the scene every day, and as business owners, it's important to stay on top of them - otherwise we risk being left behind. (Not fun,...

I posted daily on LinkedIn for 44 days. Hereā€™s what happened. linkedin personal branding thought leadership Feb 28, 2023

Of all the social media platforms out there, LinkedIn has proven to be one of the most valuable for building thought leadership and expanding your reach. In no fields is this more true (perhaps) than in the sciences!

But how do you get the most out of it? That's the question I set out to answer...

I tried ChatGPT as a marketer. What I learned, and what any business owner should know. Jan 05, 2023

If you know me, you'll know I'm all about experimenting!

If you keep hearing about ChatGPT but aren’t sure what it is (only that it will take all our jobs within 5 years ), it's an AI technology (an app) that can understand and write human language.

To take it straight to...

How I create 2-3 pieces of content every day (and how you can, too) content marketing copywriting writing Dec 08, 2022

You have so many good content ideas.

But when it comes to actually *creating* content, you’re stuck staring at a blank page.

It happens to the best of us, even where we're natural writers and/or content creators!

Except you need to get your message out to your audience, and content is one...

Do this ONE thing to get your science-based brand "out there"ā€‹ Nov 15, 2022

Have you ever felt misunderstood by potential customers, investors, and network connections when talking about your company?

Your talking points are well-organized.

You think you’re being clear.

You’re paying careful attention to the recipient.

You flawlessly answer questions that...

5 steps to creating compelling brand messages in the sciences branding messaging Oct 14, 2022

Today I’m starting with a topic that's a MAJOR pain point for companies I work with: How do I create compelling messaging that will reel in and hook my ideal customer?

Let’s dive right in.

I want to share the framework I use with clients so you can begin this work in your own...

Planning your marketing when youā€™re in overwhelm marketing pl marketing strategy Sep 01, 2022

Overwhelm. It happens to business owners and leaders no matter how much we plan. And when we’re in this phase, marketing can feel like something that should be put on the back burner.

But all this does is make sure your goals are even further away.

Here are a few tips to streamline your...

Is Instagram necessary for B2B brands? Jun 17, 2022

You know it. You love it. You've probably been using it for a decade for pretty food shots, outfit inspo (no, just me?), and of course keep up with friends and family.

But when it comes to "serious" purposes like marketing a business-to-business (B2B) company, Instagram can feel like a...

Marketing budget best practices for small businesses business strategy marketing planning marketing strategy Mar 01, 2022

"Yay, it's marketing budget season!" Said no one ever. (Except maybe me).

From September through the holidays (and sometimes earlier), companies are busy planning for the following year, including determining marketing budget and staffing needs. It’s a big deal and can affect everything...

5 signs your business needs a rebrand branding business strategy graphic design Feb 04, 2022

When most people think of branding, logos and colour schemes come to mind. But a brand is much more than the sum of its visual parts. Branding includes everything from a company’s tone of voice and communications to the powerful associations formed by customers.

A strong brand will...