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Do this ONE thing to get your science-based brand "out there"​

Nov 15, 2022

Have you ever felt misunderstood by potential customers, investors, and network connections when talking about your company?

Your talking points are well-organized.

You think you’re being clear.

You’re paying careful attention to the recipient.

You flawlessly answer questions that come up.

But instead of leading to a concrete opportunity, the person doesn’t seem to “get” the value you’re presenting.

🚫An opportunity lost - or at least not maximized.🚫

I have heard this time and time again in my consulting business, and have worked to help clients overcome the issue. Through this work, I've built a signature framework that has generated results so effective that I NEED to share it more broadly. (If you've worked with me before, you'll know what I mean. I have also written about brand messaging in the sciences in a previous issue of this newsletter - plus everywhere else πŸ˜‚.)

That's why I've paired up with a fellow consultant and business development expert (Erica Sosnowski, Managing Partner at Sosna + Co - follow her!) to bring you a system that solves this exact problem.

It's called Life Science Growth Intensive.

It's a small group program + 1:1 consulting hybrid laser-targeted to business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives aiming to grow their life science organizations (biotech, nutrition, health, and more) and who are struggling to gain traction in terms of:

  • Crafting a compelling brand message for the right audience
  • Adequately describing your offering without drowning the recipient in technical detail
  • Developing a creative message rather than just “stating” what it is you offer
  • Understanding what communications to put out there, through which channels (LinkedIn, events, cold outreach, content marketing, sponsorships…?!)
  • Knowing how to tailor the message to different targets (BD, investors, potential partners, etc.)
  • Networking with the right people to build relationships that’ll move you forward

Because when you mix marketing and BD, magic happens. (Well, it's not magic, just results. But you know what I mean.)

Visit our website to learn more: Life Science Growth Intensive.

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